Just imagine you're someone else

I listened to a Pete Holmes’ podcast where he talked with Kyle Dunnigan about how he stops obsessing over something regrettable he said/did. To rid himself of that overwhelming shame feeling, he imagines being surrounded by clouds. Above him, below him, in front and back of him—nothing but clouds and a bright blue sky. The clouds represent infinite possibility; the past is behind him and his future is open. I decided to try Pete Holmes’ cloud visualization technique the next time I was overwhelmed with regret about something I said. And I have to say it totally works. I WAS able to visualize Pete Holmes in a bunch of clouds, and it’s true, that guy is totally gonna be fine. 

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Always say the right thing

Here's me and my writing partner, Erica, pitching our TV show idea to three Hollywood men. As you can see, these guys are SUPER interested in everything we have to say. Our show is a 30-minute workplace comedy about the staff who work at a state university. This pic was probably taken right after we described one of our characters, the dean of Liberal arts, an academic primadonna who says things like, "what's a white man in his fifties have to do to get ahead around here?" THESE WHITE DUDES LOVED THAT LINE. COULD NOT GET ENOUGH OF US LADY SCAMPS!

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