During SXSW this year, I fell in love. Not with some up-and-coming cute filmmaker or potentially married music executive from Montreal. Not with an out-of-town Warby Parkered app developer, or some guy from San Francisco I sat next to at a panel on the future landscape of bitcoin-powered hover boards. I'm over those types and into more stable choices in my love life, mainly simple carbohydrates. My SXSW soulmate is the sea salt with caramel ribbons ice cream from the Salt and Straw food truck. I only took part in SXSW for 2 days this year, and the highlight of both of those days for me was the small batch ice cream at this magnificent air stream in the SouthBites lot on Rainey Street. I don't even care about ice cream. Of all the (many) desserts I'm into, I rarely, rarely eat ice cream. Maybe twice a year. This stuff though, recommended to me by my friend Angela's Instagram feed, is the best I've ever eaten. On the last Saturday of SXSW, I was in south Austin at a comedy theater, dreaming about this ice cream. The food truck was open until midnight, and after that, Salt and Straw would be gone from my life forever (or, at least until I made a trip to one of their five locations in LA or Portland). But! There's this thing called Favor, where drivers will pick up food for you and drive it to you. I broke my Favor cherry, and the following text exchange took place. In a parallel universe, Dave K from Favor and I could have had a real love.
Side note: I never got my ice cream. Which is okay because I would have spent $38 on it, which is insane. Until we meet again, Salt and Straw, until we meet again, Dave K...